Artist / Narrator(s):
Osei Blake
Kai-De Alexis
Mila Smith
Coryn Clarke
Naila Baynes
Year: 2022
Category: 2022
Tags: Caribbean Book, Children's Book, For Kids, Kid Writer, Meet the Author, Read Aloud, Young Writer

Young Author Showcase: Featuring Kai-De Alexis, Naila Baynes, Coryn Clarke, and Mila Smith

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss

Is there a specific age when you can become a writer? Nope! Are grown-ups the only ones who “know things”? Nope! Authors Kai-De Alexis (My Hair Journey), Naila Baynes (Open Your Heart), Coryn Clarke (Chronicles of Coryn), and Mila Smith (This is Mila) may be young, but they have powerful, inspiring stories to share with their friends, and the whole world.

As part of the 2022 NGC Children’s Bocas Lit Fest, host Osei Blake introduces us to some of Trinidad and Tobago’s youngest published authors, and they offer us a sneak peek at their books!

Links to follow the authors and order the books:

Kai-De Alexis:
IG: @alexis_kaide
Book available via

Coryn Clarke:
IG: @corynaclarke
For book orders: | available at booksellers across Trinidad & Tobago

Mila Smith:
IG: @thisismilabook
For book orders: available at booksellers across Trinidad & Tobago |

Naila Baynes:
IG: @Sachajcbaynes
For book orders contact: +1 868 782-2980