The Vagrant’s Secret, performed by actor and storyteller Penelope Spencer, is a story written by children of San Fernando on the NGC Children’s Bocas Lit Fest storytelling caravan. Dragonzilla’s Storytime is a series where stories written by children on our storytelling caravan are dramatised by Trinidad & Tobago’s best storytellers and orators. The Vagrant’s Secret was created on the caravan by: Jade Apnaldy, Robyn Chambers, Keidra Cuffie, Kenya Cuffie, Rehanna Cuffie, Mikhel Gobin, Matthew Gobin, Laan Gomez, Cayden Harrilal, Marc Harrilal, Mercedes Jervis, Ianthe Mendoza, Idonia Mendoza, Sapphire Mendoza, Azariah Rahaman, Anusha Saha, Jadyn Toussaint, Maya Toussaint, Tricia Toussaint, Trevor J. Wright, Carissa S. Wright.